Thursday, February 12, 2009


I don't know if you guys follow The Selby, but he rocks my world every time he posts a new photo, and I've been trying to figure out why. He does tons of cool, creative stuff with his shoots, so it's not just the pictures that make it work. But the pictures are strong, and I think it's the format that makes it so. And that's gotten me thinking about format in general. It seems like format can make all the difference, taking good pictures and making them remarkable. I think we should consider format very seriously, whether it's photos we take, films we use, how we crop, how things are laid out, etc. That's not to say that the work Bob has done doesn't accomplish what we want it to (I honestly haven't studied the web design, or the book in depth). But if we can forge some new direction and create a unique product, then we stand a better chance of getting some attention and having our work viewed.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time to Start

I think we need to start. Let's meet, figure out where we're going, and set a deadline by which we want to each have a piece or two that is ready to go. I need the pressure of a due date to drive me, and maybe you do too. Then, we publish, maybe just online at first. We work to get it out to the people. I say we make it as local as we can (I'm suggesting we each shoot a local story) with a global story (Uganda?) for a wider worldview. What do you say?

Look at the definition of Analogy (a word akin to Analogue):

1. a similarity between like features of two things, on which a comparison may be based: the analogy between the heart and a pump.
2. similarity or comparability: I see no analogy between your problem and mine.
3. Biology. an analogous relationship.
4. Linguistics.
a. the process by which words or phrases are created or re-formed according to existing patterns in the language, as when shoon was re-formed as shoes, when -ize is added to nouns like winter to form verbs, or when a child says foots for feet.
b. a form resulting from such a process.
5. Logic. a form of reasoning in which one thing is inferred to be similar to another thing in a certain respect, on the basis of the known similarity between the things in other respects.
