Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Analogue Update

So I went back through the creative statement for this entire project and really tried to nail down what Analogue is visually. What feeling should it evoke in people? Ultimately the way I perceive it is this: Analogue is fresh, expressive, timeless and valuable. In general I felt the presentation went well. I got lots of good feedback for each of the pieces and will be able to start executing things as soon as the identity is hammered out. Take a look through the posts, leave any thoughts in the comments or email me.

A note: the expressive type element you're seeing on the cover of the white case is a temporary resolve to a big issue I've had with the identity. I think the talking punctuation marks are clever but I'm not happy with them yet. They're not particularly fresh, expressive, timeless or valuable to me. I want something that is expressive and exists beautifully within its space. The stories Analogue presents are valuable and very hands on, and I want the identity to be something that is immediately perceived as such. Hence the consistent presentation of active elements on a field of white throughout the pieces. The feeling of this temporary arrangement of a serif typeface (probably replicated through charcoal or paint) is the closest to the feeling I'm after, and in the next couple of days I will be experimenting with various applications of this. 

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