Saturday, September 27, 2008

speaking of analogue...

speaking of analogue...i got this camera today for a whopping €2

so far so good...i've read a couple of things on it and it seems like a decent catch-all consumer camera...we'll see how it holds up to the hip shot. its a 40mm lens (as opposed to the 32mm of the Lomo and the 35mm of the Hexar) but if its decent at all its worth three dollars.

and speaking of "the current project", i figure i should maybe take a few mintues to reflect a bit on what this trip has been so far.

i'll try to keep this "technical" about the work, about the process....but the way i do things it will inevitably being more than that. speaking of technical, i'll note im writing this on a keyboard that isnt american and with spell check that is looking for austrian-german, which is to say it doesnt work...for my purposes.

so i brought my Hexar (which was purchased for this trip because my lomo lca+ was broken) and my lomo (because it got back to me in time from the repair shop. i think its just a new one) and as mentioned i acquired the li'l agfa. the goal here was not only ease of travel (no way i wanted to shoot digital and fill up cards and edit myself with when and how i'd shoot due to space limitations, or worry about dust spots or lenses..or little things like charging) but also, and mainly, to keep myself in a comfort zone. i speak of comfort mostly to the lomo as the hexar was brand new to me, though i am very happy shooting 35mm focal length. i took mostly black and white film (recently having gotten the 50th anniversary edition of robert frank's The Americans (link)) though i made sure to bring color as well, and to that end the trip's photographs will be heavily slanted towards monochrome.

i made a conscious effort try to revert to my "previous" style (á la "dont think just shoot" (link)) and really just react to things instead of trying to shoot things on purpose...does that make sense? so much of my year has been shooting things on purpose (ie portraits, editoral, etc) and not random....clicks. its not exactly reportage but its more than just snaps. its a weird thing actually. using the lomo especially enables me to act on intuition. see it click it. the distance measuring has become so in my nature that i can shoot quickly and without having to line things up (which does more or less disregard composition as a main element, though intuit provides a good deal of it naturally...and more importantly it keeps stuff fresh...i think at no allowing myself to interfere in what my mind sees (versus my brain trying to compose things according to whatever rules it likes to follow).

i've had some whiskey now and as sober as i am i am not sure how many times i've trod the same ground on this post so i'll move on.

fuck i use too many parentheses

so i've tried to be as natural as possible. this excluded the hexar more than i'd have liked. i may end up selling it on ebay but i dooo like it. this could yield a metric tonne of shit but i am hoping for 30 solid frames. thats all i want. a thing im scared of though is the idea that they will be touristy photographs instead of just good work that stands on its own. but what do you do. we went to major cities, on the whole, and saw typically cool things probably 40% of the time .granted we DID go to serbia + albania.

i'll be looking for random snaps of faces, laughs, walking, etc. i'll be looking for buildings, graffiti, bloody cuts of meat, litter, mullets, and more importantly, pictures of people taking pictures of people.

well i ran out of time before i intended to so im just going to stop typing.


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