Monday, March 16, 2009

two (?)

Here's what I'm thinking:

The photos and words that I shoot and write will be published in a typical online photo essay style. Specifically, it will start out with some kind of text (or maybe the text will come after an initial establishing shot) and then the essay will proceed. I expect there will be some notes or explanations to help tell the story. I'm a big believer in context. My vote is that the website displays one image at a time with if possible.

Accompanying the essay will be an audio file, kind of like a podcast. Either one of you could interview me or I could just go through some questions about how I found the story, why I focused on certain things, etc...sort of like a behind the scenes or a director's commentary. It won't go along with the pictures (like a director's commentary goes along with a movie) but it will hopefully round the whole story out. As I see it, after you look through the essay, at the end, there will be a link to open the audio file in a new window. So, you could, while listening, look back through the photos and make some connections to what I'm saying. But it's not necessary.


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